Fighting for Connection - Creating a Secure Marriage

The End

Brett Nikula, LMFT Season 3 Episode 90

How do you measure the success of a journey? For me, it’s seeing the growth and hearing the heartfelt stories that come from listeners like you. After 90 consecutive weeks, we reach the poignant finale of the Fighting for Connection podcast. As I sign off from this incredible journey, I reflect on the power of simple gestures, like a young boy's genuine thank you, which mirrors the gratitude I feel for every listener who has supported this endeavor. Each episode has been a labor of love, aimed at fostering deeper, more meaningful relationships, and it's your engagement that has shaped this journey.

In this final episode, I share the essence of what we've built together—an evolving narrative of personal growth and the pursuit of connection. From our humble beginnings to this significant milestone, we've uncovered so much about improving relationships and understanding one another better. Your support has been my guiding light, teaching me what resonates and how to serve you better. As I transition to new endeavors, my hope is that the insights and tools you've gained from this podcast continue to enrich your relationships. Stay tuned for what's next, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Episode number 90, the End. Hello and welcome to the Fighting for Connection podcast. I'm Brett Nicola, a husband, father and fun lover. Listen in as I share stories, tips and inspiration that will move you toward the connection that you want in your relationship, inspiration that will move you toward the connection that you want in your relationship. And, for the very last time, I want to say welcome to the Fighting for Connection podcast. Today is the last episode that will be aired on this podcast and it is a bittersweet event for me. This is the 90th episode. I've been at this for 90 weeks straight. I have published an episode to this podcast on every Monday for the last 90 weeks.

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It's kind of crazy to think about and, as I was making decisions around my business, there's something to just seeing that you've been at this for 90 weeks. That is just. I don't know. It's hard to let go of, but I really feel like letting go of this podcast and allowing it to kind of stand on its own as really my first journey into producing a podcast. It has its own story. If you listen to the very first podcast all the way through the 90 episodes to this one, there will be so much that you learn in this podcast and you'll learn so much about kind of my journey and my growth around podcasting and communicating a message and helping you guys understand what's happening in your relationships and serving you in your relationships so that you guys each and every one of you can have the best relationships possible with the people that are there in your life. And that really is the goal that I have in this podcast. It's a goal that I had for this podcast from the beginning. You know it was ultimately to serve everybody and knowing that as I attempted to do that, I would have to grow and kind of learn what is helpful and what isn't helpful, and the way I measure that is based off of the response that I hear and see from all of you. So with that, I guess I just am here to put an end to this podcast, kind of bookend it and just share with you a little bit about what's happening next.

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This morning I was at the gas station and as I was running in there was a gentleman and his young son there I'd have to guess maybe four or five that was coming out the gas station as I was entering in and I kind of beat them to the door. So I held the door open for them and this little boy kind of looked up at me and smiled and he said thank you, and it was just the simplest, sweetest thing. But it stood out to me and maybe even more so for me today, as I was thinking about recording this podcast and my mind was kind of in that arena. I thought, man, that was just a simple thank you, but I could tell that he was happy to say it. It just felt like a genuine thank you. But I don't know why I just kept kind of thinking of that little interaction and it's really what I want to share with all of you here on the 90th episode of this Fighting for Connection podcast, all of you here on the 90th episode of this Fighting for Connection podcast. I want to just say as simply as that little boy said to me thank you, you have all supported me and so many of you just have quietly listened as I have self-taught this art of podcasting and you know, I think of your experience so often and maybe there have been times as I've tried to practice this art that I've probably left you feeling a little bit uncomfortable or squirming in your seat a little bit.

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You know, maybe you've had this kind of an experience that you've even felt embarrassed for me, and maybe you've had thoughts of how I could change this or what I could do better. But nevertheless, each and every one of you guys, by tuning in here, really have supported me. It's helped me understand what is reaching each of you, what is helpful for each of you, and even your gentleness has been so appreciated and I felt the support through that. I hope, in some small way, I have been able to serve you, that you have been able to learn new tools, gain new insight, receive inspiration, and my hope is that ultimately, you've been able to use these things to create change in your relationships. And what's next for me, you might ask?

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Well, I have a new project, a new business, really a new dream that has the same goal that I've always had, which is to serve as many people as possible, to create a transformation that is possible, so that they can have the best relationships possible in their lives. That has been the goal that I set out five years ago when I opened Pivotal Approach, and now, in this new business, which is going to be called Marriage Essentials, this new business has that same goal to serve relationships so that they can have clarity and transformation in their relationships so that they can really understand what's possible for them. I guess, without going too much into that other business, that is really where my focus will be. I will continue to serve therapy clients within Pivotal Approach. That will be my business. Within Pivotal Approach I will be meeting with clients one-on-one, but beyond that there really isn't a whole lot of other offerings.

Speaker 1:

This new business, marriage Essentials, is a business that I see as supporting therapy right.

Speaker 1:

It can kind of work alongside of therapy or it can be a business that you can utilize and can serve a relationship independently from therapy as well. So it's really kind of the new business that I will be utilizing to serve relationships, marriages, individuals from the comfort of their own home where they can access education and they can access products and merchandise, they can access resources and professionals that can support them within their relationship. And it's just a big dream that is kind of in its seedling form right. It's really small right now, but we have a vision, we have a dream and I am ready to go over there and do everything I can to serve everybody and anybody that is interested in having basic essential resources and tools and education that can serve them within their relationship. Watch what we're doing. You can find me on my new podcast, which is called the Marriage Essentials Podcast, as well as on Instagram at marriage underscore essentials or, eventually, on our website at wwwmarriageessentialscom. With that, I say thank you, bye-bye, thank you.

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